September 2022 |
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Name | : | Analysing the Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence and Their Impact on Teachers' Performance |
Author | : | Anjana Mishra,Dr. Vishal Sood |
Abstract | : |
Emotional Intelligence is an integral aspect of teacher's performance
that adds value to their learning and enhances their competencies at the
job. It also helps in demonstrating how well teachers could
accommodate themselves under various stressful and challenging
situations without losing their temper. The present study evaluates the
relationship and impact of various dimensions of emotional intelligence,
namely, Personal awareness, confidence in team and one self, conflict
management and developing others within the team. The factors used
under emotional intelligence against teacher's performance helps them
to take a lead in the organisation and build constructive image among the
stakeholders. The study used factor analysis to reveal out the factors that
may affect the performance and help them to outperform their limits.
Correlation and Regression tools will measure relationship and impact
among the studied variables of Emotional Intelligence in contrast to
teacher's performance. The study confers that there exist positive
correlation and high impact of variables among emotional intelligence
over teacher's performance.
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Name | : | Is Organization Change a must in the Era of Pandemic COVID-19? |
Author | : | Dr. Musrrat Parveen, Ph.D |
Abstract | : |
The major aim of this research study is to investigate and discuss about
the three foremost dimensions for change (climate for change, process
for change and readiness for change) pertaining to manufacturing and
service sector in the Era of pandemic Covid-19 crisis. The Sampling of
the survey was conducted during the period of July - December 2020 in
the private manufacturing and service sector in Saudi Arabia. To test the
research objective set in this study, firstly we performed the correlations
between the variables on the items that measured the various dimensions
for change .Based on the findings of one sample t-test in table 3,the
current study showed that the manufacturing and service companies
created the climate for change during the pandemic COVID-19 through
having (1). General support by the manager, (2).Trust in their leaders,
(3). Cohesion, (4). participatory management, and (5). Politicking
among the employees in the workplace. In terms of the process for
change, employees were involved in the change process during the
pandemic. Their management was able to manage and lead the change
because there is an impression among employees about their
management leading ability. Thus, the overall level for the process for
change is positive. Employees, who participated in the survey, were
intentionally ready for change and willing to devote their energy to
implement the change.
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Name | : | Awareness and Perceptions of customers about SBI Systematic Investment Plan - a study with reference to State Bank of India |
Author | : | Dr. Naresh Kumar Tallapalli ,Dr. Pravallika Akula |
Abstract | : |
In today's complex scenario, Mutual fund can be identified as an ideal
investment which has a growing significance in India. Comparing with
other financial instruments, mutual fund yields more returns based on
portfolio investment. There are considered as best channels for small
investors to mobilize their funds and further contribute to capital market.
The main objective of the study is to understand the Awareness levels of
the State Bank of India customers about SBI Systematic Investment
Plans. A sample of 250 customers is collected from various Branches of
State Bank of India operating in 5 divisions of erstwhile Nalgonda
district of Telangana State. This study made an attempt to understand the
level of awareness about Systematic Investment Plan of SBI customers
which was understood to be very less. So, regarding this certain
conclusions and suggestions were drawn.
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Name | : | A study on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Banking Sector with special reference to term loan |
Author | : | Surya Prakash Vainshnav,Prof. Krishna Kant Dave |
Abstract | : |
Digital lending platforms are becoming popular day by day. They
believe that CIBIL and other credit checks do not paint a complete
picture of a loan applicant's creditworthiness. They've taken on to add
hundreds and thousands of other data points to their process, not all of
which are necessarily related to financial interactions. This can include
information such as your educational merits and certifications,
employment history, and even trivial information such as when you go to
sleep, which websites you browse to, your messaging habits and daily
location patterns. This paper explains effective utilization ofArtificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning. The objectives of the research are to
understand the financial contribution of quick loan to the revenue
generation, to find out obstacles perceived and current causes that
constitutes long process of loan disbursement, to find out changeover
demand a prerequisite AI tool for its effective implementation and know
what is the impact of the Quick loan on the customers and on economy.
An in-depth analysis is done through structured questionnaire asked to
bankers and loan customers. The analysis is done and statistical test is
applied on effect of quick and safe loaning (lending of banks) by using
Artificial Intelligence on the effectiveness of repayment and collection
of loan (reduce in Non-Performing Assets);in the context of utility; and
in the context to dependence on other disbursement tools of loaning.
Keywords: Digital lending, quick loan, Artificial intelligence, Machine
Learning and CIBIL.
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Name | : | Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Performance: A Case of Software Company in India |
Author | : | Shoeb Ahmad,Revenio C. Jalagat, Jr. |
Abstract | : |
To apply and retain human resources, organizations need to encompass
their workforce as they are considered an essential source of competitive
gain. If the workers are made aware of their work environment and their
tasks and duties, it becomes easy for them to enhance their potential and
increase productivity. The purpose of this study is to examine the
relationship between human resource management techniques and
employee outcomes at a Hyderabad-based software company. Samples
were collected using a questionnaire from 110 employees, and data were
analyzed using SPSS after. A comprehensive evaluation was conducted
based on statistics and correlation analysis. The findings recommended
that creating a balance and equal importance of work-life policies,
recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, and
benefits can transform the present situations of software companies from
less performing into high performing entities that provide more avenues
on the employee.
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Training, Compensation,
Work-life Policies,Employee Performance
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Name | : | A Study of Consumer Behavior towards Luxury Products using the Theory of Planned Behavior in Indian Perspective |
Author | : | Monika,Dr. Deepa Kapoor |
Abstract | : |
The growth of wealth and consumerism has been driven in the developed
world by economic development and globalization. The Indian buyers
of luxury have now pushed beyond high-net worth people. The rising
aspirations of buying preferences and sales levels have resulted in a
change in the capacity of Indian luxury consumers to the high middleclass segment. The commitment of the new rich to the glamorous
lifestyles of their West by buying and owning globally renowned brands
to uphold their global standards of consumption has led to the emergence
of a luxurious consumer class in India. This new mass interest in luxury
has fueled luxury growth in India, demonstrating the changing Indian
buyer of luxury. The Indian Luxury Market, once thought to be
impenetrable to international luxury markets, has now become an
attractive destination. India, however, has not earned the attention of
researchers who investigate the consumption of luxury, is one of the
fastest growing economies in the world. The enormous potential of the
Indian luxury market calls for researchers to understand Indian luxury
consumers in depth. The lifestyle market, including clothing, shoes,
watches and jewellery is growing because Indian customers now want a
luxurious lifestyle.
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Name | : | A Critical Insight into the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tourism and Hospitality Industries |
Author | : | Priyanka Bhaskar,Krishna Dayal Sharma |
Abstract | : |
Gone are the days when you had to contact a travel agent, see him in
person, and make a never-ending series of irritating phone calls to
enquire about travel and hotel arrangements. The purpose of this article
is to emphasise the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
Robotics in the tourism and hospitality sectors. Various technologies are
being initiated into the tourism and hospitality industries in order to
improve service and consumer experience and carveout a favourable
image of their organizations. This study focuses on the predicted
developments and challenges in adopting Artificial Intelligence in the
tourism and hospitality industries. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
anticipated to have a significant impact on these sectors that will be
reflected in the visitor's behaviour in the future. In this research, we
intend to look at how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has impacted and
continue to transform the important processes in the tourism and
hospitality business. We will explore and analyse the pros and cons of the
technological impacts of IT foundations of AI as they are applied to
travel, tourism and hospitality sectors. Also, we will take a closer look
and throw light on the AI systems and applications available in these
industries in which the majority of these technologies are being
implemented. Finally, we will address the critical concerns such as
privacy, prejudice, and ethics in these sectors.
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Name | : | Perception of Individuals towards Corporate governance: An Empirical Study |
Author | : | Dr. Meenu Maheshwari |
Abstract | : |
Corporate governance has become crucial for companies nowadays to
attract investors. Though financial data are relevant for the investors to
decide about in which company to invest in, Corporate governance
disclosures are also looked upon by them. The adherence to good
corporate governance reflects the virtuous management of the company.
The purpose of this study is to know the perception of the individuals
towards corporate governance and to know whether their investment
decisions have been influenced by the extent of the corporate
governance framework adopted by the company. This is a Questionnaire
survey-based study undertaken through the circulation of Google forms
to 150 individuals out of which 72 responded. The relevant hypotheses
have been tested through the Chi-Square test of independence. A
significant relationship has been found between the selection of
investment in shares of the company adopting corporate governance
with the opinion of the investor that adoption of CG could enhance
transparency, accountability, shareholders value, the responsibility of
the Board of directors, and internal control exercised in the company.
Therefore, it has been recommended for the companies to improve their
corporate governance disclosures as investors have become profound
towards investment decision making.
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Name | : | Role of HRM Practices in Predicting Job Satisfaction of IT Employees amid COVID Pandemic |
Author | : | Rupali Arora,Pratibha |
Abstract | : |
The main purpose of the present research paper was to identify the
Human Resource Management practices affecting the job satisfaction of
employees. The target respondents were the employees working in
Indian IT organizations located in North India. To study the hypotheses,
data was gathered from 395 teleworkers and Smart PLS 2.0 was
employed for analyzing the data. The results revealed that there was a
significant relationship between performance appraisal and job
satisfaction, employment security and job satisfaction, training and
development and job satisfaction, compensation and rewards and job
satisfaction. The employees have not given due weightage to the
recruitment and selection practices as the contributor in affecting their
job satisfaction level. As the COVID pandemic has affected the
economies globally, the findings of the present study would be essential
for the organizations to maintain the satisfaction of their employees
during such crises.
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Name | : | An Empirical Examination of Determinants of Financial Performance for Pharmaceutical Industry in India |
Author | : | Dr. T. Manjunatha,Keerthi S |
Abstract | : |
The paper aims at ascertaining the determinants of financial
performance for pharmaceutical industry. We use the financial data of
one hundred and forty-one pharmaceutical companies listed in the
Indian stock exchanges. The result of the data shows that logarithm of
dividend to paid up capital, liquid ratio and logarithm of PBIT by total
assets as independent variables emerge as determinants of the financial
performance of pharmaceutical industry of the study. The results of the
study may be used to compare with other foreign pharmaceutical
companies to understand the determinants of financial performance.
Further studies can be undertaken for company wise analysis in
pharmaceutical industry in India.
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Name | : | Sustainability of Cryptocurrency in Blockchain Technology for a Banking System in Asian Countries |
Author | : | Alcides Bernardo Tello,Anderson Daniel Torres Bernardo,Josue Canchari de la Cruz,Shuyuan Yang |
Abstract | : |
Objective:The Aim of this paper is to analyze the suitability of digital
currencies and blockchain innovation for getting monetary exchanges in
Asian nations. A new understanding of money has arisen in the wake of
the global economic crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis. It is
entirely digital money, and all transactions take place across a
decentralized network.
Methods:This algorithm-encrypted currency is dependent on a
dispersed network called the Blockchain and is said to be tamper-proof,
transparent, and inclusive. Exchanges in blockchain innovation are
amassed inside the chain of blocks, rather than customary registers,
which paginate and consecutively record processes. Since it is replicated
over numerous geographical locations all over the world, it is
Results:We suggest adding the Proof of Work idea to the SimBlock test
system to spread out additional specific measurements roughly the block
shape at the blockchain local area, in between one block and some other,
to portray the hour of the mining system, and to show the hashing cost
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Name | : | Does Employee Happiness Help in Reducing Turnover Intentions? Insights from Education Industry |
Author | : | Rajwinder Kaur ,Dr. Gagandeep Kaur |
Abstract | : |
The primary aim/objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship
and impact of employee happiness on turnover intentions. The study is
based on human relation theory and social exchange theory. Astructured
survey questionnaire is used to conduct a study among academicians of
private universities in Punjab. SPSS is used to evaluate the data gathered
from respondents. The stated objectives are attained using correlation
and regression approaches. As per the findings, employee happiness and
turnover intentions are highly associated, yet there is a negative
relationship between these two. According to regression results,
employee happiness appears to improve turnover intentions. The study
concludes that happy academicians are less likely to leave the university
and vice versa. The relevance and drawbacks are examined in
subsequent sections. There are very few studies done in the education
industry so far, therefore the study aims to address study gap and add to
the extant literature.
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Name | : | Editorial |
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