January 2015 |
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Name | : | INVESTMENT PREFERENCES TOWARDS COMMODITY MARKET AND OTHER INVESTMENT OPTIONS (An Empirical analysis with Reference to Selected Residents in Pondicherry) |
Abstract | : |
The objective of this paper is to examine the investment preference towards commodity
market and other investment options, this study deals with investment preference
from commodity market, equity market, debenture and mutual fund. The investigation
is conducted primary data on a sample of 116 respondents from Puducherry region.
The study based on the level of preference in the process of investment in commodity
market, analysis the perception and involvement in commodity market and awareness
of commodity market, using the multiple regression technique(Y=a+b1x1+b2x2+b3x3+b4x4+b5x5)
. The results of the multiple regression analysis significance among are of investors’
awareness, perception and involvement and preference, also there was a highly significant
relationship between age, education and annual income. Therefore, this study proves
that majority of the respondents are having full awareness about commodity market
and most of the respondents prefer to invest in commodity market.
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Name | : | CUSTOMERS’ CHOICE OF BANKS – A FACTORIAL ANALYSIS (A Study of Rural Bank Customers in Karimnagar District of Andhra Pradesh State in India) |
Abstract | : |
Commercial Banking sector in India, after liberalization, had grown substantially
in spite of its social, political and economic problems. However, no study was made
to find out the most important factors that affect the customer a lot in selecting
the bank. This study aims to determine the most significant factors that rural customer
thinks as important in his/her choice of bank.
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Author | : | Hungyo Yurreikan |
Abstract | : |
Labeling, the act of developing product label, is one of the essential activities
for a business engaged in marketing of products and performs the function of being
a conveyor of message from the manufacturer through the supply chain and up to the
final consumer. While labeling provides benefits such as eliminating or minimizing
information asymmetries in the marketplace, past researchers has also highlighted
the difficulties associated with determining the effectiveness of labeling. This
study makes exploratory inquiry on how labels are perceived by consumers, with personal
care products as the focus product category.
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Name | : | Study of Stock Market Efficiency and Impact of Crash on Indian and US Market |
Author | : | Falguni H. Pandya , Hardik S Shah |
Abstract | : |
The study attempts to find out the market efficiency of Indian and US stock market.
For that two main indices of India namely BSE Sensex and CNX Nifty are studied along
with US-Dow Jones for a various time brackets between 1993 to 2013. Various tests
like K-S Test, Runs test, Auto correlation test, t-test and all descriptive statistics
with JB test are conducted for all three indices for a time bracket of 1993-2013,
1993-1995(normal), 1996-2000 (Before DotCom Bubble), 2000-2002 (Dotcom Bubble),
2002-2007 (Before Credit Crisis), 2007-2009 (Credit Crisis) and 2009-2013 (After
Credit Crisis). The research summarizes that Indian stock market is not weak form
efficient in all periods however; from year 2002 onwards stock market exhibits some
signs of efficiency.
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Name | : | A Study on Impact of Social Media in Promotion of Smartphone Applications |
Author | : | Prashant Pareek |
Abstract | : |
Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention
through social networking websites. Social media is going main stream for marketing
now a days for most of the companies. And for businesses it represents an unprecedented
marketing opportunity that transcends traditional middlemen and connects companies
directly with customers. Social media marketing programs usually center on effort
to create content that attract attention and encourage readers to share it with
their social networks. According to leading marketers of India, the top three online
investment channels for 2013 are Social media, Email marketing and Search marketing.
52% of the top marketers said that it is extremely important to integrate social
media. Marketers place high value on social media: A significant 90% of marketers
indicate that social media is important for their business. Face book is the most
preferable and well known social networking websites. Now a day’s Google plus and
linked in are also becoming popular among the social networking users. Most of people
says that promotion on social networking websites provide knowledge about the product
and brands. Advertisements on social media are less time consuming and direct link
to company’s websites is the positive aspect of internet marketing. Now advertisers
target more over to these media due to high rush in variety of audiences. So they
hire this as the ideal platform to communicate their brand and create an effective
brand identity through highly effective and interactive communication strategy.
Most of the advertisers present their ads in interactive form so that people tend
more to check them and gain a little knowledge about the product. There are various
forms of brand communication available in social networking sites.
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Author | : | Dr. Surendra Kumar Tiwari , Dr. Vaishali Tiwari |
Abstract | : |
We are in an age of GLOBAL DISASTER, An extensive use of nuclear weapons, violence,
terrorism, massive exploitation of natural resources has spread out in almost all
part of the globe, consumerism is not allowing to think about the limited resources
of the earth and the needs of others. lrustration l lonel iness insecurity, depression,
aimlessness of life and erosion of values have covered all most all human beings
which in turn leading to drug addiction, alcoholism and suicide. News channels are
daily reporting, the examples of deteriorating values in society specially in adolescent
groups. It is quite surprising that school going children are involved in destructive
anti social activities. What we have to pause and reflect being taught in our schools
and what is being given by our society? What is the reason behind all this?
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Name | : | To understand the Price Sensitivity buyer behavior of Consumer |
Author | : | Prof. Amit Shrivastava , Dr. Sushil Kumar Pare , Dr. Saumya Singh |
Abstract | : |
Consumers in rural markets are exposed to ever increasing expansion of options with
reference to consumables in the last decade of 21st century. Marketers desire to
set a price that will maximize demand and ensure a profitable business result in
the rural areas. Therefore, correct approximation of demand, with respect to price
sensitivity across the segments, ability to define distribution expectation of rural
markets is crucial for marketers. Understanding the price sensitivity of potential
buyers is a requirement for successfully segmenting the consumer so that as a marketer,
firms can design suitable value propositions instead of offering similar marketing
mix and under-utilize scared resources. This paper is an attempt to establish and
validate the price sensitivity of the rural buyer. Despite an earlier intensive
research work done by researchers on price and its various aspects, a study on comparative
Price Sensitivity for Personal Care & Grocery Category specifically framed for the
FMCG Sector has been missing, particularly in the rural area. The study aims to
address this area. Comparative study was conducted to ensure that respondent is
able to register their sensitivity towards pricing corresponding to both the categories
with choice and fairness. The research design involved three broad stages: item
generation and selection assessment of reliability and validity and developing a
model of price sensitivity. The paper provides future course of study of consumer’s
price sensitivity for researchers and practitioners.
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Name | : | Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Analysis of Annual Reports of Infosys Ltd |
Author | : | Dr. G Bharathi Kamath |
Abstract | : |
Intellectual capital measurement, reporting and disclosures in the emerging economy
are still at a very nascent stage, especially in India. Though the awareness of
the significance of IC disclosure is steadily improving over a period of time, the
extent of disclosures is far behind the standards set by companies in developed
economies. This study is an attempt to analyze the extent and nature of IC disclosure
in the annual reports of one of the IT giants of the country i.e. Infosys Ltd. The
period of study is from the year 1998 till the annual report of FY 2011-12. The
methodology adopted for the study is content analysis, wherein a classified list
of 128 terms of IC is electronically searched in all the annual reports, and manually
searched in the latest annual report of the year 2011-12. The study shows that of
the 128 search terms that were electronically searched, only 64 (50 percent) had
shown some count in various years across all sub-categories. The highest count was
seen for the sub-category human capital (26 terms) followed by structural capital
(23 terms) and least for relational capital (15 terms). The manual search of the
annual report of the year 2011-12 showed that the terms and sentences give an impression
that Human capital and Relational capital play a dominant role in the IC disclosures.
It is found that manual search provides a better picture of the nature of disclosure
and electronic search an understanding of the extent of IC disclosures.
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Name | : | Medical Tourism: Can it be A New Supernova of Indian Economy |
Author | : | Dr. Santoshkumar Benur |
Abstract | : |
Medical tourism, alternatively called health tourism and wellness tourism, is a
term that has risen from the rapid growth of an industry where people from all around
the world are travelling to other countries to obtain medical, dental, and surgical
care while at the same time touring, vacationing, and fully experiencing the attractions
of the countries that they are visiting. It is a silent revolution that has been
sweeping the healthcare landscape of India for almost a decade by making significant
contribution to Indian economy. The tourism industry of India is economically important
and growing rapidly. Indian health care sector is considered one of the largest
in terms of both revenue and workforce employment. Indian medical tourism industry
is expected to reach $6 billion by 2018, with number of people arriving in the country
for medical treatment set to double over next four year. A large and growing population,
a booming economy, rapid urbanisation which has expanded the middle class, rising
diseases and increased awareness level has enable the sector to grow at much higher
rate. This research paper makes an effort to understand reasons for the growth of
medical tourism in India, stake holders & their role in promoting Medical tourism,
future prospect of the medical tourism of India.
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Name | : | Case Study Big Billion Day- Winning or losing strategy ? |
Author | : | Ms.Shilpi Saxena, Dr. Roopam Kothari |
Abstract | : |
Ecommerce industry, which started flourishing in India nearly ten years back has
come a long way in a very short span of time in India. It is today one of the fastest
growing sector of the Indian digital economy. Online shopping or online retailing
– an application of e commerce, has become a popular trend in India from last few
years. Due to mordernization, digitialisation and globalization Indian population
have started enjoying the benefits of online shopping like convenience in shopping,
24 hrs shopping, free delivery, huge discounts, etc, at their doorstep. Some of
popular online shopping websites in India – Amazon.com, Flipkart.com, Snapdeal.com,
Paytm.com, Ebay.in, Jabong.com, Myntra.com, Shopclues.com, Pepperfry, Homeshop18.com,
yebhi.com. Flipkart, one among the top leader in e-commerce business in India started
its operation in 2007 with selling online books and presently Flipkart is offering
product categories like clothing, accessories, footwear, electronics, home decor
and much more. On 6 Oct 2014 Flipkart introduced a new strategy of its own – “the
big billion day sale”. It was a one day sale which is considered to be the biggest
sale among all the sale offered till now by e-tailors. Many companies and brands
are offering sales and discount for their customers in Indian online and offline
market. Promoting sales by providing innovative offers to customers is good but
at the same time a million dollar question also arises that “What are the boundaries
or how big should be the innovation?”.
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Name | : | The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) |
Author | : | Dr. M. P. Trivedi , Ashok Gaur |
Abstract | : |
Entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as an important driver of economic growth,
productivity, innovation and employment, and it is widely accepted as a key aspect
of economic dynamism. The role of entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial culture
in economic and social development has often been underestimated. The idea and practice
of women entrepreneurship is a recent phenomenon. Until the 1980’s little was known.
Even though we observe a number of women entrepreneurs in the business, recent studies
show that most of them are found in Micro and Small Enterprises (MSMEs.) Women should
create their own jobs and become entrepreneurs since opportunities of getting employment
in either government, non government or a private organization is currently almost
declining. This article shows the factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs
in MSMEs. It also addressed the characteristics of women entrepreneurs in MSMEs
and their enterprises and the supports they acquire from government or other institutes.
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Name | : | Study of Global Warming Management in Rig-Veda and Indian Constitution |
Author | : | Mohammad Harun Chippa |
Abstract | : |
The present paper is an attempt to control and manage the problem of global warming
through Rig-Vedic model of cosmic management. This model is justified in the light
of Indian constitution. The problem of global warming is prevalent today. Regarding
global warming, ‘Stockholm Conference’1 ‘Kyoto Protocol’2 and ‘Cop-15 & 16’3 are
widely recognized to eliminate and decrease the problem of global warming but these
have not been successful. Many attempts have been made by the knowledgeable persons
of this field to control and manage the global warming but these attempts are not
enough to control the problem of global warming. The problem is rising day by day.4
Global warming is basically caused by three factors viz. greenhouse gases, pollution
and deforestation.5 Greenhouse gases are the main source for global warming after
deforestation and pollution. There is a need to control the global warming so that
a person can live happily, merrily and prosperously without stress. This paper presents
a model for controlling & managing this problem through Rig- Veda. Rig-Veda is the
oldest book of knowledge in India. It contains the knowledge which is eternal &
universal. According to F. Max Muller ‘Rig-Veda have so many remedies for the problems
of philosophy, science, art religion, cosmology, ethics and poetrfvy.’6 It is also
considered as a holy book in Hinduism. By the Hinduism it is regarded as a book
of divinity. It is regarded as revealed by the Brahma. According to some Scholars,
it is said to be merely a book of poetry. Rig-Veda contains ten-mandates to controlling
global warming.
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Name | : | Economic Update (Global & Indian) |
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Name | : | corporate snapshot |
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Name | : | Stats Window |
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