September 2018 |
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Name | : | Factors Affecting Brand Choice of the Consumers on Bottled Water Brands: |
Author | : | Legese Lema,Dr. Mulugeta Negash Wodaje |
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A stiffly competitive business environment exposed consumers to a large number of product alternatives in the market. As result, marketers are struggling to increase their brand preferences by customers and trying to avoid competitors from grabbing of these acquired customers mind. To do this, discovering determinants of consumers brand choices is very essential. This research was conducted to identify determinant factors of consumers brand choice on bottled water products and to examine relationship among determinants variables. This study was adopted descriptive and explanatory research design with cross-sectional survey strategy. To collect data from respondent’s convenience and purposive sampling techniques were used. Primary data has been collected from 400 bottled water consumers by using self-administrated structured questionnaires. Quantitative data has been collected and analyzed by using descriptive and multiple linear regression models. This study was found that packaging, product quality, price, brand name, brand availability, brand image and advertisement were significantly associated with consumers brand choice for bottled water products. However, the influences of brand image, brand name, packaging and price on consumers brand choice decision were more contributing than others. Bottled water firms are advised to create brand equity to their product that can emotionally and psychologically connected to customers. They have to features their packaging to make it attractive, and finally set theirs price based on affordability and brand accessibility at right place and time.
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Name | : | Exploring Internet Banking Service Quality Attributes and It’s Impact on Customer Satisfaction |
Author | : | Prof. Padmapriya R. Katagal,Dr. Rohit R. Mutkekar,Dr. Anilkumar G. Garag |
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Purpose: The paper focuses on studying the perceptions of customers towards e banking service quality in North Karnataka. It underlines the important e service attributes from customer point of view. It also evaluates the important of e- service dimensions on developing customer satisfaction.
Design: The descriptive research design is adopted. The survey method is used for data collection.The e banking customers of north Karnataka are the respondents for the research. Data is tested using the factor analysis, correlation analysis and Regression analysis.
Findings of the study: The various E- service quality dimensions identified by the different researchers were explored. The factor analyses explored the five dimensions named as Reliability and Convenience, Website Aesthetics, Privacy and Confidentiality; Responsiveness and Safety. Regression analyses confirmed that the identified dimensions of e-services of banks are important predictors of customer satisfaction in North Karnataka.
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Name | : | A Novel Framework for Customer Churn Prediction Using Rough Set Theory |
Author | : | Ankur Vashist, Yash Aggarwal,Smriti Gupta,Vinay Jain |
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Churn prediction is emerging as a great influential field in the category of customers. Companies are investing a huge amount of capital in the process of holding the customers, i.e , preventing them from a churn. Every company likes to increase its number of customers as it is directly proportional to the profit and sales of the company. But at the same time the company prefers to hold the customers who have purchased their product at least once, for that company requires some kind of prediction that depicts when the customers will churn. Accuracy, comprehensibility, and justifiability are three key aspects of a churn prediction model. This paper proposed a rough set based framework for Customer Churn Prediction using on customer reviews dataset. The utilization of presented framework help companies in making intelligent decision support system.
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Name | : | Sectoral Analysis of Non Performing Assets during Pre and Post Crisis Period in Selected Commercial Banks |
Author | : | Manvir Kaur , Rohit Kumar |
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This paper examines the NPAs in Priority Sector, Non Priority Sector during pre and post crisis period and comparative study has been done between Public Sector Banks and Private Sector Banks. The study analysed that whether there is significant difference between NPAs of Public and Private Sector Banks during pre and post crisis period and analysed by using tools like growth rate and t-test were used for analysis of data. Investigation discovered that during pre-crisis period level of NPAs in priority sector was comparatively higher among public and private sector banks but both public and private sector banks registered negative growth rate during post crisis period.
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Name | : | Transcending beyond Profits –An Exploration of Integrated Approach to Valuate Business Performance of Indian Companies through Conscious Capitalism |
Author | : | Ms. Astha Badjatia, Dr. Yamini Karmarkar |
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World has changed; human beings have evolved and are changing steadily. Business ‘as usual’ is just going out of trend. There is a need of some new, more enlightened approach to business. The purpose of this research is to describe the concept of conscious capitalism which is capable of taking over the traditional business approach. In this research we develop a conceptual framework for conscious capitalism and investigate whether there is any relationship between conscious capitalism, its dimensions and stock market returns of 15 selected companies (3 companies each of 5 different sectors) for the period of last 5 years. Variables were defined and scales were developed for scoring purpose. Various scales like Maslow theory scale, mission statement analysis, employee benefit expenses to total expenses scale, brand trust rank scale, trade payable ratio scale, return on equity scale, marketing expenses to total expense scale, CSR as % of Net Profit scale, conscious leadership scale, GVC rating scale, vision statement analysis and overall conscious capitalism scale are developed. First of all we have applied reliability tests for scales developed. Then to check the relationship amongst variables we have applied Pearson’s Correlation. Our findings reveal that all the scales developed are highly reliable. Another important finding is that higher purpose (one of the dimension of conscious capitalism) has significant relationship with share returns. Other dimensions don’t have significant relationship but they have positive impact on stock market returns. We conclude that overall conscious capitalism has positively affected the stock market returns of the companies.
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Name | : | Demonetization and its Impact on Indian Capital Market |
Author | : | Dr. Mohd. Taqi , Dr. Mohd. Shamim Ansari, Dr. Mohd Ajmal |
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The Indian government implemented a major change in the economic environment by demonetizing the high value currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 from the midnight 8th of November 2016. This involved withdrawing circulation of said currency and gradually replacing them with a new set of currency notes. The main purpose of demonetisation of the currency is to stop counterfeiting of the banknotes used for terrorist activities and crack down the black money circulation in the country. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the impact of demonetization on Indian capital market with special reference to selected indices of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). In order to evaluate the impact of demonetisation on capital market opening and closing value of selected indices of BSE six months period prior to 8th November and after 8th November has been considered. The sample consists of ten indices of BSE viz. SENSEX and other sectors such as capital goods, consumer goods, consumer discretionary goods, FMCG, infrastructure, industrial, utilities and Bankex. There is a strong evidence to suggest that demonetisation have significant impact on selected sectoral indices considered for the study. The study also reveals that indices of manufacturing, FMCG and consumer discretionary goods sensitive increased during the post demonetisation period while sensitivity of industrial goods and infrastructure decreased during the period.
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Name | : | Is localization a strategic response to workforce globalization: Some Reflections? |
Author | : | Dr. Indranil Bose, Dr. Subhendu Dey |
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Localization of workforce has emerged as one of the key challenges and priorities of international HRM. Different studies have been found in favour and against localization of workforce, mainly in the host countries of international organization. The present article attempts to identify major contemporary researches on localization with the purpose of providing valuable insights and useful information on this very difficult, though important issue. It has been found that many organizations that claim to be global, yet resist allowing host country nationals to hold official and important positions. In this context, the present research attempts to discuss the drivers of localization, factors affecting the smooth transfer of jobs to the local staff. The article has also attempted to explore some of the ethical and business reasons for assisting and resisting this process.
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Name | : | Risk in Commercial Microfinancing – A Social Perspective from India |
Author | : | Debidutta Pattnaik |
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The positive role of Microfinance in Rural Development is applaudablewhen backed with a Social mission. However, mass-commercialization of the sector is a concern! Recent agitations of the Tamil farmers, protesting for the announcement of a drought relief package and loan waiver before the JantarMantar, and the recurring episodes of farmer’s suicide in India are evidences to what debt-distress is! It has both qualitative and quantitative implications. Propensity to debt and “indebtedness” is a growing risk in Microfinance. Post demonetization recoil in com mercial lending and the boom in financing activities backed by digitization may further dampen the situation, especially in Rural India. MFI sector showed resilience to change even in demonetization. It managed to close the year with an outstanding loan portfolio of ₹ 46,842 crores (approx.. $7.2 bn) with a fair CAGR of 16.15% over last four years. Today MFIs serve around 29 million clients with an average loan of ₹ 12,751 (approx. $196). Though the average loan is low and insignificant in figure; it has to be analysed from the perspectives of multiple borrowings, unproductive utilization, limited earning opportunities, slump in Agriculture, Industry and Manual Labor, and the ease of financing in the rising era of digitization.
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Name | : | Microfinance and Women empowerment: A Brief Review of Literature |
Author | : | Shagufta Tariq, Prof. Mohi-ud-Din Sangmi |
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The study attempts to investigate the impact of Microfinance on empowerment of marginalized women in poverty. Based on empirical findings of existing relevant literature across the globe, the study finds that participation of women in Microfinance more particularly through Self Help Groups (SHGs) empowers them under the domains of economic, social, psychological and political. Apart from the benefits women derive from Microfinance, there are evidences regarding disempowerment as well, such as increased workload for women, lack of control over income and assets and also negative impact on children’s education. Hence, whether Microfinance empowers or dis-empowers women needs further empirical investigation, to trace out the fair linkage between Microfinance and women empowerment assigning proper weights to various dimensions of empowerment.
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Author | : | Dr Gouranga Patra |
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Shoppers’ behavior is changing in a very fast and rapid mode. Marketing are not like a value delivery process, it is the value delivery on click i.e. one click shopping process. In India though it is a very childhood stage but the growth level is very high in comparison to other mode. It is very challenging task in front of marketers to develop a strong perceived value about the online buying which will turn into the online consumers’ satisfaction and adaptation. In the present study the researcher is trying to access the level of satisfaction of online buyers and what are basic entities of satisfaction which may help the online marketers for better customer services. The study confined Barasat city of west Bengal. 100 responses have considered for final analysis. The data has been analyzed by applying ANOVA technique. The result highlights that some of the factors are very much important in front of consumers’. These are product quality, financial security, merchandise planning, mode of payment and website design. The study gives strong indication to the marketer that to capture the semi urban area there is need to develop strong proposition on these particular issue and which are issue have a direct relation of online buying satisfaction of the shopper.
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Name | : | Investigating the Ethical Workplace, Employee Commitment, and Active Customer Service by Investigating the Mediating Effect of Policy in the Organization (Case Study: Refah Chain Stores of Fars Province) |
Author | : | Zahra Mahdavipour, Ali Rezaei |
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This study examined the mediating effects of organizational policies on the relationship between ethical work and employee productivity (affective commitment and active customer service). The method was descriptive and correlational research using structural equations. The statistical population included 180 sales personnel of the Refah chain stores of Fars Province. According to Morgan's table, sample size was 117. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire consisting of 23 questions which included the following variables. Data analysis was done on descriptive and inferential levels. At the descriptive level, descriptive indexes (mean and standard deviation) were used to analyze the data. At the inferential level, correlation and structural equation method were used. The results showed that ethical workplace had a negative effect on policy in the reward system and ethical workplace had a positive effect on active customer service and affective commitment; reward system policies had a positive effect on active customer service and negative effect on affective commitment. Moreover, reward system policies had a mediating role between ethical workplace and active customer service.
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Name | : | The Effect of learning Organization on Financial Performance Based on Knowledge Based performance of Islamic Azad University of Guilan |
Author | : | Zahra Iranmehr, Badri Abbasi |
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The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of learning organization on financial performance with respect to knowledge-based performance of the branches of Islamic Azad University of Guilan. So the main question of the research is whether the learning organization affects the financial performance of the Islamic Azad University of Guilan in terms of knowledge-based performance? The population of the study was 132 financial and accounting experts (n = 132) who were used by census method. Three hypotheses were raised in this research. The results of the study showed that there is a significant relationship between learning organization and financial performance in terms of knowledge-based performance of branches of Islamic Azad University of Guilan. Also, the results showed that there is a significant relationship between learning organization and knowledge-based performance and financial performance of Islamic Azad University of Guilan. In addition, the findings showed that there is a significant relationship between knowledge-based performance and financial performance of Islamic Azad University of Guilan. Finally, some suggestions were made for future researchers.
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Name | : | Advertising on Social Networking Sites (SNSs): Exploring the Gender Differences |
Author | : | Dr.Asad Ahmad, Dr. Mohammed Naved Khan, Obaidur Rahman |
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With the growth of Internet, it has changed the way we work and live. Presently around 42 percent of the world population isusing Internet. We get up-to-date information over the Internet which is accessible 24X7. Internet has also become synonymous with Social Networking Sites (SNS).They help us remain in contact with near and dear ones as also business contacts on a real time basis and its reach has been growing with a scorching pace. According to certain estimates, around 30 percent of the world population accesses some form of Internet based social media. The marketers too have taken notice of potential of this medium and started using it in innovative ways to reach to their target audience. This study primarily focuses on how male and female patrons of social networking sites perceive advertisements over social networking sites as also their perceptions towards online purchases. The results indicate that both the genders have similar attitudes towards advertisements over SNSs but they perceived online shopping differently. The findings have important theoretical and managerial implications.
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Name | : | Human Development and Economic Growth Nexus: A Comparative Study between Bangladesh and Pakistan |
Author | : | Dr. Md. Saiful Islam, Dr. Saqib Muneer |
Abstract | : |
Human development and economic growth are believed to be linked in several ways. This paper aims at examining the plausible nexus among human development and economic growth in a comparative setup between Bangladesh and Pakistan. The study was based on systematic study of available records, mainly data from the World Bank and examined the linkages among per capita GDP, total spending on health and public spending on education within an econometric framework, where descriptive statistics and least square technique were used to accomplish the study. Bangladesh in spite of its narrow resource base as compared to Pakistan has been spending fairly a larger share of its GDP on health to attain better health of its population as compared to that of Pakistan, while both the countries’ public spending on education has been more or less stable but less than 3 percent of their GDP, where Pakistan has been spending slightly a larger share on education than Bangladesh. Although both the countries are lacking in skilled, flexible and healthy human capital, Pakistan has been lacking far behind in investing in human capital that have produced mixed impacts on economic growth of two countries. Bangladesh achieved a dramatic improvement in reducing its women fertility rate and improving life expectancy at birth, while Pakistan’s achievement was not up to the mark. Therefore, to build a knowledge driven society, it requires the citizens to be transformed into educated, skilled and competent human capital through higher education and better health. This requires greater investment in human development that will require substantial budgetary intervention and improved quality of governance.
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Name | : | An Exploratory Investigation of Consumer Motives and Impeding Barriers to Buying Organic Food Products in Pakistan |
Author | : | Yawar Abbas Sandhu, Selvan a/l Perumal, WaidaIrani Mohd Fauzi |
Abstract | : |
Health safety and environmental damage due to agricultural abuses have gained a global significance. Consumers are now concerned about the quality and purity of their intake food, and they are looking for a more environmentally friendly answer to these problems. Organic food is considered as eco-friendly and meets individuals’ environment-relateddesired objectives. The core objective of this study is to explore consumers’ buying motive and impeding barrier they face in buying organic food products in Pakistan. For this purpose qualitative interviews and thematic analysis had been incorporated. Twenty-five respondents were interviewed at a famous shopping mall in the city, Lahore Pakistan. The shopping mall was selected due to the availability of organic food products. A coding mechanism had been devised and applied to respondents' answers and further analysed to state their opinions for organic food products under each category. Hence, four categories appeared in the exercise, such as environment and health-related worries, morality and ethicality, self-identity and subjective impeding barriers.
The result showed that almost all respondent declared a health and pollution free environment motive as their prime drive to buying organic food products. Most interestingly some respondents attached their organic food buying with their moral intrinsic motivation and self-identity. In terms ofimpeding barriers to buying organic food products, trust, product availability and higher prices were proved to be a major matter of concern.
Therefore, organic food marketers are suggested to devise marketing strategies in more holistic manners by attaching consumers’ self-concept, moral and ethical dimension with health and environmental protection objectives. Specifically, promoting moral concept harmonized with environment and animal protection shall produce a consumer pull. Consequently, it will support the organic food development in the country. Further, it is suggested that organic food supply may be channeled with a trusted brand name, by doing so the product acceptability shall be increased. Surging demand shall invite more competition in market, which resultantly shall reduce the organic food prices and increase the consumers’ product affordability.
This paper contributes to the marketing knowledge in organic food and suggests some motivational factors encouraging the consumers to buy the environmentally friendly food product and same time throws light on impeding factors that restrain individuals to buy organic food products.
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Name | : | Youth Perception towards Internet Censorship in India |
Author | : | Dr. Sapna Parihar, Himanshu Raheja |
Abstract | : |
The concept of Internet censorship can be defined as the control of what can be accessed, published or reviewed on internet. Government, private organization and various regulatory bodies are responsible to monitor the access of content on internet. The degree of censorship depends on nations to nations. Few nations have moderate censorship but countries like China where extensive control is imposed to the citizen in order to avoid various political and securities issues to protect culture and moral. There has been a constant rise in the demand to remove various content available on you tube, and various porn site across the world. Most of the contents were asked to remove because of political harms or speech which aggravates people and may increase the risk of riots and national security. India is one of the countries suffering from terrorism and internal riots in the boundaries. Resources says that India stand on 49% (0=most free & 100 least free) on the scale of internet censorship and partly free from censorship. The current study is conducted to find the perception of youth toward internet censorship in India. The present study tries to find the perception of youth towards internet censorship, its importance and effects on the society and national security. The study is exploratory in nature and aimed to inquire about the perception of youth aged between 15-25 on the control over the access of various sites and material on internet. A self designed questionnaire on 5 point likert scale is used to collect the data from 120 respondents in Indore city. They were asked about the positive and negative effect on national security and e-commerce, control and influence by internet censorship. Independent sample t-test has been used to compare the groups. The result shows that youth has positive inclination toward the control of access of content on internet. Study concludes that Indian youth is in the opinion of internet censorship irrespective of their gender and age categories. Youth is on the agreement that this is a necessary step to be taken to control religion based riots, antisocial activities and maintain culture and decorum of society. The Indian youth considered the internet censorship as a tool to preserve the national security and cyber crime.
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Name | : | HR Practices and Knowledge Exchange: It’s the matter to improve Employee Performance |
Author | : | Dongjun, Muhammad Asim Shahzad, Rana Faizan Gul, Khalid Jamil |
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During the last few years researchers are more focused on HR practices and innovation activities. Scholars argue that HR practices grants to the employee performance. However, almost all the past studies have a little concentration on the casual association among HR practices, knowledge exchange employee performance. This study opens the black box of the relationship between Training & Development, Selection Policy, Rewards and Knowledge Exchange in addition Employee Performance. Primary data was gathered as of 100 respondents of different textile firms of Faisalabad by applying simile random sampling technique. PLS Smart and SPSS software were used or data analysis the finding of current study demonstrates that Training & Development, Reward have a positive and significant impact on the Knowledge Exchange and Employee Performance. It is also found that selection policy have insignificant impact on knowledge exchange and Employee performance. The findings of current study provide several essential inferences for the textile industry to consider future management strategies like how to utilize HR Practices that leads to increase the employee performance. It is suggested that organizations should enhance HR practices that contributes to the employee performance.
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Name | : | Exploring Pakistan’s Myopic Energy Policies Leading to an Energy Crisis: Lessons for the Way Forward |
Author | : | SumeraIqbal, CHU Jianxun, ShafeiMoizH ali, Muhammad Abdullah Abbas |
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Pakistan is faced with a multifaceted power demand and supply gap which is compounded due to losses in the system which account for almost a quarter of the production. Over the years the Government of Pakistan (GoP) has failed to harness indigenous resources to devise long-term and effective policies. This study analyzes the major energy policies of Pakistan so far. Pakistan’s first formal power policy came about in 1994, which is almost 47 years after Pakistan’s independence. This shows the lack of concerted efforts of the government machinery to address power issues. The analysis reveals that Pakistan’s energy policies have focused mainly on the supply side and have given little attention to the demand side, which prescribes the development of a system promoting energy efficiency. The policies devised were myopic in nature as they were formulated in the absence of cohesive energy planning which demands the use of modeling tools like Energy PLAN which is an energy technology systems analysis program of MARKAL/TIMES. The study further reveals that, the current mega investments within Pakistan’s energy sector under the umbrella of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) are based upon more upon political decisions rather than informed ones based upon MARKAL/TIMES as once more, focus is tilted towards the supply side, rather than energy efficiency and the core causal factors of the energy crisis of Pakistan are being neglected. Energy infrastructure investments under the CPEC are long-term projects and the study suggests that course correction and integrated energy planning and modeling is necessary to eliminate the power/energy crisis of Pakistan.
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Name | : | Economic Update |
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Name | : | Stats Window |
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